05137 814124 (Ortstarif)

Dividing systems

Pure drinking water by SMK dividing systems!

“We are inspired and can recommend the enterprise only (Health wellness club GmbH)

High quality Dividing systems which is easy to handle with and which shows maximum application. for every household, office, medical practice or in great industry. SMK Dividing systems provide water condition.

By the filtering of harmful substances, such as sand grain which are affected by plant refurbishment in your tap water, our Dividing systems not only help save the environment but also effectively increase the quality of your drinking water, and therefore issue pure water without contaminants. By pressing a button the system delivers pure, purified water for your cold drink or a hot tea.

SMK-Dividing systems will bring you clean and tasty water. Whetever with our without carbon dioxide: Finally pure and healthy water!

Quality since 18 years are speaking a clearly language. Decide to contact us to provide your family and employes a healthier environment. Thats whats important for us. Whats important for yourself?

10-year guarantee

Our solutions

Water treatment & filtering at your wishes and needs fitted. Quality of the expert.

10-year guarantee

10-year guarantee provide for a carefree use of the products SMK. Repair, servicing & exchange service.

Friendly consultation

You discuss our employees without obligations with all questions to SMK Aquasystemen and pure water.

Private & Business

SMK Aquasysteme can be used for the household, to the trade or the industry.

High-class promises

For over 18 years the patented SMK Aquasysteme stand for quality in all interests.


You discuss trained employees with pleasure with you on site. No matter whether in the office or own four walls.

SMK Aqua Systems for the household, the trade or industry.

Online Catalog

Your advantages:

SMK-AQUASYSTEM – your specialist for pure drinking water. Long-standing guarantee and own production meet all the wishes!

Great solutions

Aquasystemes for household

patented technologies

Quality since 18 years

competent consultation

Aquasystemes for trade

on site service

10-year guarantee

Contact form

You have questions to the water treatment or water filtering? Would like you to get to know more about SMK products? Get in touch without obligations with us.

Advice over the telephone

By telephone you reach us to the local rate under: 05137 814124
We are available to you from Monday till Friday of from 09:00 to 18:00 o’clock.

Personal consultation

The team of SMK-AQUASYSTEM accepts your wishes personally. With pleasure you can apply for a personal consultation service or for customer service.